Making sustainability Profitable through digital transformation
News & Thoughts & Stories
STRG. Magazine
KI-Usecases für die Kreativwirtschaft
Machine-Learning und KI sind in der Werbewirtschaft und den Medien längst keine Zukunftsmusik mehr. Sie ergänzen die menschliche Kreativität, ohne sie zu ersetzen. KI hilft dabei, große Archive zu managen, Userverhalten zu simulieren und dient
Summit Industrie 4.0 – Oder: Warum sich das mit der KI für Österreich “eh no ausgeht…”
Der Industrie 4.0 Summit 2024 zeigte eindrucksvoll, wie Digitalisierung und KI die Zukunft der Produktion prägen. Inspirierende Vorträge und innovative Hidden Champions wie Tiroler Rohre präsentierten innovative Lösungen – von Digital Twins bis hin zu neuen Ansätzen in der Prozessüberwachung. Erfahren Sie in diesem Artikel, wie der Summit 2024 als zentrale Plattform die Innovation und Vernetzung in Österreichs Industrie vorantreibt.
Die TED.AI in Wien – Ein völlig subjektiver Wahrnehmungsbericht.
In Wien fand kürzlich die erste TED.AI in Europa statt – ein Event, das die Zukunft der künstlichen Intelligenz beleuchtete. Unser CEO Jürgen Schmidt erlebte hautnah spannende Vorträge von KI-Vordenkern wie Sepp Hochreiter und Ramin
Summit Industrie 4.0 – Oder: Warum sich das mit der KI für Österreich “eh no ausgeht…”
Der Industrie 4.0 Summit 2024 zeigte eindrucksvoll, wie Digitalisierung und KI die Zukunft der Produktion
Die TED.AI in Wien – Ein völlig subjektiver Wahrnehmungsbericht.
In Wien fand kürzlich die erste TED.AI in Europa statt – ein Event, das die
Daten Daten Daten! Das (un)sichtbare Herzstück der Digitalisierung.
Der Artikel beleuchtet die zentrale Rolle von Daten in der digitalen Transformation. Hochwertige Daten sind essenziell für Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und maschinelles Lernen, da sie präzise Mustererkennung und Vorhersagen nur mit entsprechender Datenqualität – der
Entdecken Sie das transformative Potenzial der KI-gesteuerten Suchfunktion für Ihre Website. Mit dieser einfachen KI-Ergänzung können Sie das Nutzererlebnis auf ein neues Niveau bringen. In diesem Artikel gehen wir auf semantisches Suchverständnis, personalisierte Ergebnisse und
Meister der Nachahmung: Eine Einführung in Imitation Learning in der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Reinforcement Learning hat die Welt in Erstaunen versetzt, sei es durch das Besiegen von Go-Champions oder durch herausragende Leistungen in komplexen Videospielen. Die aufwändigen Trainingsprozesse schränken jedoch den Einsatz in realen Anwendungen ein. In diesem
Introduction to Imitation Learning and Behavioral Cloning
Reinforcement Learning has amazed the world, from defeating Go champions to excelling in complex video games. However, its lengthy training processes limit its use in real-world applications. In this blog post, we explore “Imitation Learning”,
Ein Rückblick auf die Social Artificial Intelligence Night (SAINT) 2024: AI (R)Evolution
Entdecken Sie die Highlights der SAINT Konferenz 2024! Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der KI mit Keynotes von führenden Experten wie Una-May O’Reilly und Alessio Molinari und entdecken Sie innovative Fortschritte im Bereich des
A Recap of the Social Artificial Intelligence Night (SAINT) 2024: AI (R)Evolution
Discover the highlights of the SAINT 2024 event! Dive into the world of AI with keynotes from leading experts such as Una-May O’Reilly and Alessio Molinari and discover innovative advances in machine learning, AI research
Our clients
Case studies
Clients Who Chose Us and what they say about us
Pascal Damm
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
We need a high performing content management system for publishing sports news content as fast as possible. Furthermore, the CMS should also have the capacity for automization and algorithm-based personalization, user relevance and proven recommendations to increase user engagement.
Why did you choose to work with us?
STRG. offers a proven content management system technology that combines with an algorithm-based personalization software, called BeHave. In addition, Jürgen’s team was great to work with from the very beginning, as they have a wide range of competence and know-how in media publishing and service models.
What would you tell someone who’s considering our business?
As mentioned previously, STRG. is a very good partner for focusing on your main competence in content production and user management. The STRG. team will design, program and implement everything for you. This gives you more time to focus on user engagement and high-quality content creation.
Thomas Hofbauer
Head of Media Department/ Digital,
Chief of Service - Salzburger Nachrichten
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
When we planned a complete relaunch and domain change for our website, we were happy to find an agency (STRG.) that could support us from the design phase up to the server architecture.
Why did you choose to work with us?
Like any industry, the media industry follows its own rules. It was important and reassuring for us to know that STRG. has had a lot of experience in our industry.
What have you been able to achieve since using our technology and services?
We completed a successful relaunch including domain switch and paywall strategy. Since then we have been developing our website together with the team of STRG.
What would you tell someone who’s considering our business?
When you visit them, ask for the best coffee in town and get in touch with exciting experts.
Roman Grandits
Managing Director/ Magazine
Publisher - ÖGB-Verlag
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
We wanted to seamlessly implement data-based content publishing.
Why did you choose to work with us?
For your competent, committed and responsive support and sparring at eye level, the implementation of digital communication strategies paired with our organisation’s values and trade union topics. We are now able to master and implement the next development steps of our digital communication strategy.
Pascal Damm
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
We need a high performing content management system for publishing sports news content as fast as possible. Furthermore...
Pascal Damm
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
We need a high performing content management system for publishing sports news content as fast as possible. Furthermore, the CMS should also have the capacity for automization and algorithm-based personalization, user relevance and proven recommendations to increase user engagement.
Why did you choose to work with us?
STRG. offers a proven content management system technology that combines with an algorithm-based personalization software, called BeHave. In addition, Jürgen’s team was great to work with from the very beginning, as they have a wide range of competence and know-how in media publishing and service models.
What would you tell someone who’s considering our business?
As mentioned previously, STRG. is a very good partner for focusing on your main competence in content production and user management. The STRG. team will design, program and implement everything for you.
This gives you more time to focus on user engagement and high-quality content creation.
Thomas Hofbauer
Head of Media Department/ Digital,
Chief of Service - Salzburger Nachrichten
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
When we planned a complete relaunch and domain change...
Thomas Hofbauer
Head of Media Department/ Digital,
Chief of Service - Salzburger Nachrichten
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
When we planned a complete relaunch and domain change for our website, we were happy to find an agency (STRG.) that could support us from the design phase up to the server architecture.
Why did you choose to work with us?
Like any industry, the media industry follows its own rules. It was important and reassuring for us to know that STRG. has had a lot of experience in our industry.
What have you been able to achieve since using our technology and services?
We completed a successful relaunch including domain switch and paywall strategy. Since then we have been developing our website together with the team of STRG.
What would you tell someone who’s considering our business?
When you visit them, ask for the best coffee in town and get in touch with exciting experts.
Roman Grandits
Managing Director/ Magazine
Publisher - ÖGB-Verlag
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
We wanted to seamlessly implement data-based content publishing...
Roman Grandits
Managing Director/ Magazine
Publisher - ÖGB-Verlag
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our products/service?
We wanted to seamlessly implement data-based content publishing.
Why did you choose to work with us?
For your competent, committed and responsive support and sparring at eye level, the implementation of digital communication strategies paired with our organisation’s values and trade union topics. We are now able to master and implement the next development steps of our digital communication strategy.